Preparing Dockerfile for an Express Web App

  1. Create a directory for the express project

    mkdir project
  2. Go to the directory

    cd project
  3. Initialize a Node JS project. Answer all the question prompted on the terminal. Finally a package.json file will be created in the project/ directory

    npm init
  4. Install express

    npm install express
  5. Create a file for writing the express web app.

    vi app.js
  6. Write the code in app.js as below

    const express = require("express");
    const app = express();
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
    		data: "HELLO WORLD"
    app.listen(5000, () => {
    	console.log("START SERVER AT PORT 5000");
  7. Create and write a Dockerfile as below

    FROM node:18-alpine
    # create "app" directory in the docker image
    RUN mkdir app
    # set "app" directory as the root working directory
    WORKDIR app
    # copy some files from the local machine into "app" directory in docker image
    COPY app.js .
    COPY package*.json .
    # install dependencies at build stage
    RUN npm install
    # tell the develooper if this container will be run at port 5000/TCP
    EXPOSE 5000
    # run the program (web app) when the container is running
    CMD node ./app.js
  8. Build the image. Let say you are currently opening root directory where the project directory is located root is the parent directory of project)

    docker build -t ricoputra/project-express project
  9. Create a container from the image and set the PORT as well

    docker container create --name ricoputra_project-express -p 5000:5000  ricoputra/project-express
  10. Start/run the container

    docker container start ricoputra_project-express
  11. Open the web app on the browser by entering this url: localhost:5000/ and you will see the response below:

    	"data": "HELLO WORLD"

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